Welcome To My Blog

I love my SUN OVEN. This is the most amazing way to cook! Great for emergencies, camping, saving energy, or just for FUN. Get excited about using the sun for cooking, then give me a call. Connie Mason, The Sun Oven Lady

How The Sun Oven Works

Sunday, September 13, 2009

At the Fair

Fourth day of the fair. Had some clouds all day which eliminated any cooking. A little rain later in the day. Traffic was slower today.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Time at the Fair

Having a great time at the fair! The Sun Oven population continues to grow. I've met lots of wonderful people from inside and outside the great state of Utah. Hi to you all. Thanks for visiting my booth and welcome to my blog. Keep cooking, the sun's energy is free and totally green. Gotta go for another great fair day.